How to add Places to My List

Adding places to one of your Hawkker lists is quick and easy:

  1. Hit the Menu button and select My Lists
  2. Hit + Add to this List
  3. Search for the place name in the search field
  4. Select your location

Location Type

After selecting your location you will be asked to define exactly the Location Type:

Most locations will fall under the type of Restaurant/Cafe/Pub/Shop, these are locations that customers can visit and purchase food and drink to eat-in or take away.

Webshops are only-online e-commerce businesses. Make sure you add a link to their website.


You can select up to 3 cuisines which define this place


You can upload images from:

  1. The library on your phone or PC
  2. A photo you take
  3. Your Instagram

A note on Instagram:

You can link your Instagram to your Hawkker account to make it easy for you to add photos you’ve posted on Instagram to your Hawkker lists. This is the full extent of Hawkker’s access to your Instagram account. Hawkker cannot view or store your Instagram password, and cannot make any changes to your Instagram account, post on your behalf or access/store any other information within your account, such as your direct messages or interactions


You can add up to 500 characters of notes and comments on a Place to share with people who are using your list. You are able to format these comments with bold, italics, bullets and numbered lists. You are also able to add website URLs just make sure you include the full URL, e.g.

Further Information

Hawkker is all about supporting small vendors and you can help here too. The more information you add to the form about the vendor, e.g. their social media info or links to their purchase channels, the easier it will be for people using your list to purchase from the vendor.

None of this information is required, but it does help vendors out.