How is Hawkker different from other platforms?

What we are and what we aren’t.

Hawkker is a real-time marketing and insights platform for independent food Vendors. We enable our Vendors to simply and effectively share all the information that modern, digital-first customers expect to be readily available when making food choices. 

Explain what you mean by real-time marketing

Hawkker allows you to make on-the-fly updates to all the key pre-purchase information customers want to know. Using the Vendor dashboard, you’re able to make live updates to your menu items, trading location(s), pictures and much more. All of these updates are shown straight away to customers who increasingly expect to be provided with accurate, live information.  

Do you charge like the other platforms?

Hawkker is a free platform for Vendors and Customers alike. We do not take commissions on your sales or charge a fee for driving customers to you. You do not need to purchase and train yourself on expensive hardware or pay for any subscriptions.

Is Hawkker a delivery platform?

Hawkker is not a delivery or pre-purchase platform. We help customers discover your food and find out exactly where you are. Customers then visit your stall or shop and purchase food in the normal fashion with cash or card. Hawkker does not handle or process any payments.

So how does Hawkker make money?

Hawkker does not charge Vendors or Customers for using the platform. At this stage we make money from advertising (to Customers and Vendors). We are working on certain features within the platform for paying Customers and Vendors, but at this stage, everything Hawkker features is free to download and use for everybody.